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Hotel Low Season

News Susana Duggar
Hotel Low Season

Low seasons affect any hospitality business, depending of your whereabouts in the globe they can occur in winter or summer time. Hoteliers should set high goals for the low season either having or not a budget. Let's take a look at extremely useful and relatively easy ways to fix low seasons and turn them into a high seasons with a lot more reservations and revenue.

Avoiding Low Seasons

Every hotelier must accurately know their hotel low seasons and peak seasons, this information is a fundamental pillar of your business administration. With this basic starting point knowledge you can design and implement business strategies that are relatively independent of you hotel or business size.

Returning guests and rewards

Either via your experience or via records consultation the first step is to know your customers or guests, specially the returning guests. You should consider direct marketing campaigns (email, social media, newsletter) exclusively designed for these guests as they can be an important source of revenue in off seasons. Show your returning guests their importance by rewarding them with special hospitality gifts or discounts.

Exciting low season packages

Create exciting low season packages exploiting off season characteristics. Market the less crowded appeal, the peace and relaxation, the cheaper prices/abbr>, etc. Remember, this is the perfect time to create retreat packages like romantic weekends, sight-seeing, cultural runs, etc. Also, market special hotel characteristics like long happy hours, indoor-pools, gym & spa, restaurant, etc.

Eliminating the low season feel

Eliminating the low season feel by recreating adapted high season activities. If your hotel is located in beach destinations, recreate the feel with poll parties with bar happy hours. If your hotel is located near snow destinations, recreate the feel with sight-seeing and outdoors activities. Either way always make sure to market the cheaper prices, less crowded and low air fares.

Redirect your business strategy

Take advantage of the low season higher time availability, manpower and overall hotel resources to organize demanding events, congresses, meetings, seminars, banquets, anniversaries, weddings. Analyze your competition and create differentiated packages for business corporations or individuals.

Last minute deals

Create a website blog, search engine optimized and with original content or last minute deals. Google search engine will send your way free organic visits and guests. Try to get the local media or social media attention with your insane last minute prices and make them help spread the word.

Longer stays, bigger gain

Up-selling is common in most industries, when applied to your hotel existing guest reservations it can be used to increase the hotel occupancy tremendously. Use the off-season lower profit margins to book your rooms for longer periods.

Paid classifieds & free online marketing

If you have a budget, posting ads in specialized classified websites originates higher occupancy for low seasons, usually with very good returns. With no budget you can also have a good return if not higher by using free classified websites and the social media. Regarding social media, your hotel along side with a good website blog should be connected and present in all major social media platforms like facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. Your website and social media pages should create over time a huge snow ball of followers and with each new post or deal you should be able to reach thousands if not millions of potential guests in an organic free way.

The new kid on the block, Barter

Yes, you heard me right, offer room nights in exchange for publicity done by travel agencies, newspapers, tv stations, radio stations, advertising agencies, etc. You may also try to barter for other services your hotel may need example, legal, accounting, catering, etc.

Let Hoteloni assist you!

Here's a list of word tags taken from this post with corresponding Hoteloni resources at your disposal.

# Word Tag Hoteloni Resource
1 records consultation Statistics & SEO Modules
2 email, social media, newsletter Email & Notification Modules
3 discounts Discounts & Coupons
4 cheaper prices High & Low Season Financial Modules
5 time, manpower User Management & Punch Time Clock Modules
6 website, blog, search engine optimization Website, Blog & SEO Modules
7 social media Theming & Widgets Modules
8 book, rooms Room & Booking Modules