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Punch Time Clock

Punch Time Clock allows control over your staff IN and OUT times / hours. Being a punch clock it records all hours they worked, perfect to calculate their salary and to quickly display who's at work.

Activating the Module

After you login to Hoteloni Administration or Control Panel go to Settings Modules page. You can filter or search for Punch Clock and click to activate the module, afterwards click to edit the module settings.

Once the module is active a new entry will appear on the main left side menu. Punch Clock. This is where users can set their work status and where you can manage and export all users data. But first let's take a look at the module settings.

Punch Clock Settings

Protect with Password forces staff members to insert their control panel password to change their work status.

Protect with Pin Number forces staff members to insert their pin number to change their work status.

Leaving the above 2 options off allows staff members can change their status with no specific protection.

Closed View. If On each user can only see himself. If Off staff members can view all other members work status.

Standalone Display. If On users do not need to login to punch the clock also, can be used for standalone clock in isolated areas like staff entries or security points.

Logout users after hours. If the staff member work status is at work, this setting automatically logs out members after the hours you set here. Useful if users forget to punch out. Default is 12 or 14. Insert 0 to disable.

Using Punch Clock

A new left side menu entry is created called Punch Clock. If you are an hotel administrator or manager you will have 2 extra options: Manage the module button will take you to the already described above options and Export button that allows you to filter data and export in csv format.

Below these options is the punch in / punch out table where staff members can change their work status by clicking Icon. Here they can:

  • Check their current work status
  • Check their last work status with date and hour
  • Change the work status:
    • I'm working
    • I'm working out of the office
    • I'm working out of town
    • I'm working out of the country
    • I'm not working
    • I'm sick
    • I'm on vacation
  • Insert the security password or pin if On in modules settings
  • Insert an optional status description that allows staff members to leave an open text note or message.