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Messaging System

Your hotel full fledged internal messaging system allows to send messages to individual hotel staff members, to hotel departments or to all hotel staff members without ever leaving the administration panel.

Your inbox auto refreshes when a new message arrives, plays a new alert sound and the bubble count number ups.

The inbox consists of a table that you can filter, order and change the default number of message entries.

  • Read Status: each message row displays
    • for unread
    • for read
  • Date: the full date the message was sent
  • From: the user that sent the message
  • To: the user, department or all users the messages was sent to
  • Subject: the message subject
  • Options:
    • Read message
    • Delete message

The bottom of your inbox page displays Write Message and Sent Messages. Let's take a look at each option.

Write Message
  • Select to:
    • Single User
    • Group or Department
    • All Users
  • After making the above selection press Write Message

The Write Message page:

  • Select to: dependent of your first Select to, it will either display all hotel users to select one, all hotel departments to select one or, All users to send a message to all
  • Subject: write your message subject
  • Message: write your message content
  • External Email: drop-down to send or not the message outside Hoteloni internal messaging system
    • Don't Send External Email, message is sent just to Hoteloni internal messaging system
    • Send External Email, message is sent to Hoteloni internal messaging system and to the user email, specially useful if the user or staff member is not at work
Sent Messages

Works the same as you inbox page but displays the messages you previously wrote and sent.