Hoteloni Updates & Release Candidate
News Susana Duggar
![Hoteloni Updates & Release Candidate](/img/news/hoteloni-release-candidate.jpg)
Next month will be Hoteloni birthday, almost one year of non-stop development deserves a present, the release candidate version launched today. Bye Bye beta versions, you have served us well! We will also take a look at what's new in this version.
What's New
To start, lot's of code cleaning and rewriting to make sure Hoteloni produces no code errors or warning. Fast, light and clean code is a must required for any release candidate version, so we made sure this version would serve all our users well and would make us proud.
Work on Hoteloni Administration Panel continues with many checkout improvements and new PCI payments gateways like Stripe, alongside with the already existing Paypal.
Many Financial modules were improved like the High Season or Tax and a new financial module called Timezone was added. You can now select your location and time from over 400 world locations and timezones, this allows you to run your Hoteloni website, Administration Panel, hotel bookings & reservations, invoices, etc. in your local desired time instead of server time.
Google Cloud Platform
Hoteloni is cloud based and therefore requires no installations, computers or servers to run. Besides greatly reducing your costs this feature also allows for access and management from anywhere at any time in the world. With that in mind and with the increased Hoteloni users growth we decided move Hoteloni structure to Google Cloud Platform. This new platform allows Hoteloni to grow exponentially it's users base without compromising page response times and time for first bytes. Release Candidate, got to love it!
March will also mark our first presence in the most important Portuguese tourism congress FIL - BTL. We will be happy to attend.