Pages & Posts
Pages & Posts allows you to create an array of pages and categories with posts in your Hoteloni website. They can range from single contact or image gallery page to categories with news or blogging posts.
Blogging with quality original content is the most important criteria google uses for it's search engine page ranking, a good blog exponentially grows your organic visits.
Let's take a look at the first row of Pages & Posts.
![Hoteloni Pages & Posts Top Menu](/img/docs/hoteloni-pages-posts-top-menu.jpg)
Clicking Manage Users allows you to add, edit or delete users access to Pages & Posts. You can only add editors from your hotel preexisting Users, no matter their department.
Clicking Manage Media takes you to your hotel media folder where you can upload and delete images, videos and sounds. During creation or edition of a page and post you can directly insert a media file into it's content.
- Upload file types:
- jpg image files
- gif image files
- png image files
- mp3 music files
- mp4 video files
- pdf document files
- microsoft word files
- microsoft excel files
- microsoft powerpoint slideshow files
- microsoft powerpoint presentation files
- txt files
- Upload limit size:
- 2mb
Clicking Manage Menus takes to the Theme Settings page where you can create, edit or delete menu entries and assign a specific page or post category to a menu. These menus organize your content and will appear on your Hoteloni website in a specific theme menu position, each theme contains different menu positions according to it's design or layout.
Post Categories
Clicking Manage Categories allows you to add, edit or delete your posts categories. Only applies to posts, not pages. Posts always need to be created inside a preexisting category.
- Category Name, insert a category name
- Sub Category, displays all preexisting cateories and allows you to nest or create a tree of categories. Select None or Root if you want the category unnested or in the root of the tree.
- Category Slug, an auto generated system link according to your category name
- Sub Cateory Slug, and auto generated system link according to your category tree position
Add Page Add Post
You can create or write content for your Hoteloni website as a "page" or as "post". Both of them use a powerful but at the same time easy to use editor that allows all sorts of text and image formatting, with a special note for the mobile responsiveness of images and videos.
- Pages are generally for non-chronological, hierarchical content: pages like "About" or "Contact" would be common examples. Pages live outside of the normal blog chronology, and are often used to present timeless information about your site, information that is always relevant and somewhat static.
- Posts are regular blog content or entries that you need to organize and display inside categories. Categories only apply to posts and help you organize and display your posts. Example, create 2 post categories (News and Blog). Over time create posts containing news and assign them to the post category News. Also, over time create blog posts that are not news and assign them to the post category Blog. Posts appear in reverse chronological order on your Hoteloni site, newest first.
Add Page
When creating a new page the first step is to Select Page Template. Page templates allows you to add common or special pages into your Hoteloni website.
- Standard Page Template is a common page that displays text and media
- Contact Form Template is a special page designed for hotel contact forms
- Album Gallery Template is a special page designed to beautifully display your media folder images in a gallery format
- Instagram Gallery Template is a special page designed to bring the awesomeness of Instagram into Hoteloni by displaying your Instagram images in a gallery format
- Google Map Template is a special page designed to display google maps with locations
- Do you need a special template? just get in touch with us.
Add Post
Insert via editor your text and media, format it as you please and, remember to select a category.
All Pages & Posts table
Found at the bottom of the page, displays all your pages and posts from all authors. Allows you to filter, order and change the default number of display entries.
- Type, Page or Post
- Status, Published or Draft
- Created, creation date
- Author, page or post author
- Category, Pages display the Page Template used, Posts display their category slug
- Title, page or post title
- Options
- Edit Page or Edit Post